What is the Key Swallowed By Mimic?
Key Swallowed By Mimic is an item that drops randomly from Mimics you defeat in Nevatia Ruins in Ozhorn Hill, Yudia. The Key Swallowed By Mimic is a Normal-type item that binds to your character on pickup, but it is untradeable and cannot be dismantled.
While the Key Swallowed By Mimic might seem like a valuable item that will allow you to open a chest later in the game, the reality is the Key Swallowed By Mimic does not serve any purpose in-game. Players from the KR server also say the key isn’t used for any future content, making it one of several useless times in Lost Ark.
How to Get the Key Swallowed By Mimic?
You can get the Key Swallowed By Mimic as an item drop from killing Mimics found in Nevatia Ruins in Ozhorn Hill, Yudia. You can get this item fairly frequently by killing Mimics in the area.
While you’re in Yudia, teleport to the Triport in the Assembly Area in Ozhorn Hill, as this is the closest Triport to the Nevatia Ruins area. Upon arrival, summon your Mount, then travel south to Nevatia Ruins.
Mimics will spawn regularly in this area, so all you have to do is kill as many Mimics as you can to get as many Key Swallowed By Mimics as you can. Mimics will respawn endlessly in this area, so farm those keys to your heart’s content.
What is the Key Swallowed By Mimic for?
The Key Swallowed By Mimic is a useless item that is used to add depth to Lost Ark’s monster lore.
While it might seem like a good idea to hold on to the key in case future content makes use of the item, the reality is that Smilegate does not seem to have any future purposes for the Key Swallowed By Mimic, as players in the up-to-date KR server say the item still doesn’t have any purpose in their current patch.
What are Mimics in Lost Ark?
Mimics are magical creatures that often disguise themselves as chests, waiting for the right time to unveil their horrific form and swallow their prey whole. Mimics take advantage of the greed of humans, using their chest-like appearance as bait.
Some Mimics can get greedy and end up eating their own key, which is likely the reason why Mimics drop the Key Swallowed By Mimic after you kill them – Mimics that drop the Key Swallowed By Mimic have already eaten their own keys at some point.
Mimics in Lost Ark are loosely based on the original Mimic-creature created by Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax back in 1974.
The Key Swallowed By Mimic is simply another useless item that you can pick up and add to your item collection in Lost Ark. Don’t expect to find any use for this item at the later stages of the game, however, as even players on the KR server say this item still doesn’t serve any purpose in future patches of Lost Ark.