What is Rest Bonus in Lost Ark

What is Rest Bonus?

Rest Bonus is a valuable catch-up mechanic for Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, and Una’s Tasks in Lost Ark. Through Rest Bonus, you can get bonus rewards as a consolation for missing a few days’ worths of rewards from running these events daily.

You can enter Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids twice per day per character in Lost Ark, and you will receive full rewards from the event by running both entries daily. But since not all players have the time and energy to grind both entries for Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids daily, most will likely only run one Chaos Dungeon or Guardian Raid per day.

Unfortunately, by running only one of the two entries daily, players will miss out on the rewards from the second entry – a huge missed opportunity for players looking to max out their character in Lost Ark.

This is where the Rest Bonus comes in – to not punish players too much for missing Chaos Dungeon, Guardian Raids, or Una’s Tasks, the Rest Bonus provides 50% of the expected loot you can get from those two runs.

For every entry missed, 10 Rest Bonus Points will be added to your Rest Bonus bar in the Chaos Dungeon, Guardian Raid, or Una’s Tasks menu. As soon as you get 20 Rest Bonus, the Rest Bonus benefits will be applied on your next Chaos Dungeon, Guardian Raid, or Una’s Tasks run.

How to Use Rest Bonus

You need at least 20 Rest Bonus points to use Rest Bonus. The effect is automatically applied as soon as you go on your next Chaos Dungeon, Guardian Raid, or Una’s Task.

If you have 40 Rest Bonus Points, you can go on two Chaos Dungeon runs and get bonus rewards for running both entries on the same day. Doing so will deplete your Rest Bonus to zero, but you will get 10 Rest Bonus Points again the next time you miss a daily entry.

The Rest Bonus meter goes up to a maximum of 100, but you can no longer accumulate Rest Bonus Points when the meter is maxed out. It is best you use your Rest Bonus Points as often as you can so you can receive extra loot from running Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, or Una’s Tasks.

Should you skip daily runs for the Rest bonus?

If you’re someone who’s looking to max out their character as quickly as possible in Lost Ark, then intentionally missing Chaos Dungeon, Guardian Raids, or Una’s Tasks and banking on Rest Bonus might not be a good idea.

Rest Bonus only provides 50% of the loot you would get if you ran all available entries for Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, and Una’s Tasks daily. Running all the entries daily for these events is still the most efficient way to farm these events.

How many Chaos Dungeons can you run per day?

You can run two Chaos Dungeons per day in Lost Ark. All players get two Chaos Dungeon entries per day per character, with each character getting two chances at receiving maximum loot through Aura of Resonance.

You will receive 100 Aura of Resonance daily per character, 50 of which is consumed as soon as you enter the Chaos Dungeon. Aura of Resonance guarantees you’ll get 100% of the expected loot from the Chaos Dungeon run. You can still enter Chaos Dungeons even if you don’t have Aura of Resonance, you just won’t get the same amount of rewards.


Not all players will have the time and energy to grind the same events multiple times daily, but missing out on the available daily runs means missing out on possible loot as well, inducing FOMO in some players in Lost Ark.

Rest Bonus is a very thoughtful feature that should help make missing Chaos Dungeon, Guardian Raid, or Una’s Tasks less punishing for die-hard grinders. By giving players 50% of the loot from missed runs, players can use the time to wind down, relax, and take a break from the hardships of playing the popular MMORPG even if for just a while.

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