What does the Owl do in Enter The Gungeon?
The Owl is an S-rank passive item in Enter the Gungeon that spawns an Owl that can occasionally activate short-ranged blanks and block enemy bullets.
You can unlock the Owl by winning 10 Gunsling King’s wagers. After which, head to The Breach and talk to the Gunsling King.
Is the Owl a good item in Enter The Gungeon?
For an S-rank item, the Owl offers too little to be a useful item in Enter the Gungeon. The ability to block and disperse bullets using Blanks is good, but the Owl’s blank effect isn’t strong enough to reveal secret rooms or clear an entire room’s worth of bullets.
That said, the Owl’s Blanks will trigger the effects of Ammolets, which, by extension, will trigger a more powerful Blank effect that affects all enemies in an entire room.
Best Synergy for the Owl in Enter The Gungeon
The Owl shares Synergies with a number of guns/items in Enter the Gungeon – Don’t Hoot the Messenger, Special Delivery, and The Elephant in the Room.
Don’t Hoot the Messenger
The Don’t Hoot a Messenger is a Synergy between the Own and the Dungeon Eagle. This Synergy will reduce the Dungeon Eagle’s charge shot wind-up by 50%.
Special Delivery
The Owl can combine with Bundle of Wands/Witch Pistol/Hexagun/Staff of Firepower to activate the Special Delivery Synergy.
The Special Delivery Synergy between these Guns and the Owl will give the guns’ and the Owl’s shots a bounce effect and give the Owl the ability to fire letters at enemies.
The Elephant in the Room
The Elephant in the Room Synergy between the Elephant Gun and the Owl will turn the Elephant Gun into an Elephant Head and turn its bullet projectiles into Elephants.
How to Use the Owl in Enter The Gungeon?
All of the Owl’s effects activate automatically, which means you only need to have the item in your inventory use its effects. With that said, you can expect the Owl to follow you around and activate short-ranged blanks whenever there are bullets near you or whenever you’re shooting at enemies. The Owl itself will block incoming bullets as well.
Despite having the ability to activate blanks, the Owl’s blank effect is not strong enough to open secret rooms. For that, you will need a full-featured Blank such as Guon Stone effects.
If the Owl were a C-rank or even a B-rank passive item, other Enter the Gungeon players wouldn’t mind picking it up and using it as a passive bullet blocker. Unfortunately, the Owl’s high rank and mediocre effects (relative to its rank) make it a very difficult item to pick up in the Gungeon.